European Forum Cyprus

4 November 2009


Youth in Cyprus - values and lifestyles

1st Seminar of the 2nd year (2009/2010)

of the European Forum Cyprus

in co-operation with the

University of Konstanz

Co-funded by the European Commission

Constance, 6-7 November 2009

Venue: UniversitÀt Konstanz
Address: UniversitÀtsstrasse 10
D- 78457 Konstanz
Tel.: +49 (0)7531 / 88 – 0
Room: K07

Golden Tulip Halm Konstanz
Address: Bahnhofplatz 6
D-78462 Konstanz, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 7531 1210,
Fax: +49 (0)7531 21803

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Arrival of participants and experts at Zurich airport – Transfer to Constance

Accommodation at Hotel Golden Tulip Halm Konstanz

19:30 Reception for participants and experts

Venue: Inselhotel Steigenberger
Address: Auf der Insel 1, D-78462 Konstanz/Bodensee, Tel.: +49(0) 75 31-125-0,

Friday, 6 November 2009

9:15 Opening of the meeting
Chair: representative of the CoE

Welcome addresses by:

    · Prof. Dr. Ulrich RĂŒdiger, Rector of the University of Konstanz

    · Mr Aristophanis Georgiou, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

    · Mr Mehmet Caglar, elected Turkish representative to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Nicosia

    · Ms Anna Capello, Head of Co-operation Division, Directorate of Political Advice and Co-operation, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg

    · Mrs Monika Alpoegger, Unit for support to the Turkish Cypriot Community, Directorate for Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels

9:45 The European Youth in 2009: values, cultures, lifestyles

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Mrs Anna Capello, Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs of the Council of Europe


    Mr Ulrich Bunjes, Deputy Director of Youth and Sport, Directorate General of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport, Council of Europe (Strasbourg)


10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 Youth Culture in Cyprus – the influence of the media

Introduction by the moderator:

    Mr Aristophanis Georgiou, Head of the Delegation of Cyprus to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Dr Nayia Roussou, University of Nicosia, Nicosia

    Mr Cagil GĂŒnalp, journalist, Yeni Duzen Nicosia


12:30 Lunch

14:00 The Cypriot Youth in 2009: findings and conclusion from the Cyprus Youth Value Survey

    Introduction by the moderator:
    Mr Mehmet Çağlar, elected Turkish Cypriot Representative to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Dr Nicos Peristianis, President of the Council, University of Nicosia

    Dr Muharrem Faiz, Director of the Cyprus Social and Economic Research Centre (KADEM), Nicosia

    Ms Elisa Bosio, Assistant Project Coordinator, University of Nicosia


15:30 Coffee Break

15:45 Young Cypriots and their historical memory – the role of the cultural heritage of the island

Introduction by the moderator: Participant


Mr Marios Epaminondas, Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Nicosia

Mr Mete Oguz, Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Nicosia


17:00 Summing-up of the day: Participants

17:30 Closing of the 1st day of the seminar

20:00 Dinner at restaurant in Constance

Saturday, 7 November 2009

9:00 Opening of the second day

9:15 Workshops

11:30 Coffee Break

11:45 Presentation of results

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Panel discussion: Young Cypriots: Ready to face the challenges of the future of the island?

Mr Christos Christophides (tbc)

Mr Hasan Kahvecioglu, Journalist 'Radio Mayis'

16:00 Coffee Break

16:15 Summing up of the seminar

20:00 Social event

Venue: Syrtaki Restaurant
Spanierstr. 1B
78467 Konstanz
Tel.: + 07531 27005

Animation: Greek-Turkish Music Group

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Morning: Departure from Constance to Zurich airport


Elisa Bosio [link to the UNDP report]
is born in Saudi Arabia and raised in Cyprus. Elisa Bosio received a MSc. in Marketing (with distinction) from the University of Manchester in 2006. Employed as an Assistant Project Coordinator and Researcher at the University of Nicosia since 2007, she is currently working on a UNDP-funded bi-communal study, the “Cyprus Youth Dialogue Project”, which examines the aspirations and perceptions of young Cypriots today. Recently, Elisa assisted in coordinating elements of the Royal Commonwealth Society’s 2008 Youth Leadership Programme, which took place in Cyprus and was hosted in part by the University of Nicosia. Elisa also represents the University of Nicosia in a Cyprus Youth Network, made up of various institutions and NGOs from around the island that is in its early stages of formation. In addition to youth, her research interests include customer interactions, consumer behaviour and the service industry.

Ulrich Bunjes [presentation]

Marios Epaminondas [presentation]
has studied about Education, Art and History. He has worked as an educator both in formal and non-formal educational settings. He has been active in civil society organisations, on a local and an international level for more than a decade. Currently he is the International Relations Secretary of the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research and a member of the pool of trainers of the Directorate of Youth and Sports of the Council of Europe.

Muharem Faiz
holds a B.Sc. in Psychology from Middle East Technical University (Turkey), MA in Sociology from Manchester University, MA in Cultural Studies and Humanities from Eastern Mediterranean University and Phd in Sociology from Near East University. He has been in research institutions since 1989,director of KADEM (Cyprus Social and Economic Research). and coordinator of more than 200 studies (both quantitative and qualitative). Some of them are international studies including World Values Survey, Eurobarometer, WHO health surveys. He has written 4 books (Privatization and Education(989), Human Rights Education for Lycees (1996), Culture and Alienation-(1992) ,(2. ed.1996), and Modern Identity (2004), contribute to different books (2003, ‘Multiculturalism and Cypriot Identity’ in “Culture in Common-Living cultures in the Cypriot Communities”. Berlin: The German-Cypriot Forum Publications; 2004, ‘The Nature and Role of Ideology in Turkish Cypriot History Teaching’ in “What does it mean to think historically? Approaches to teaching and learning history”, The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research, Nicosia) and published papers in different journals.

Cagil GĂŒnalp [presentation]
is journalist at the Turkish Cypriot newspaper Yeni DĂŒnez.

Hasan Kahvecioglu
is presently columnist in Halkin Sesi (Turkish Cypriot daily), as well as in Politis (Greek Cypriot daily; in Azinlikca (Bilingual Turkish-Greek monthly magazine published in Greece) and in; Mr. Kahvecioğlu is also Director-Editor in Chief of “Radio Mayıs”, Producer and Presenter of “True to True” debate program on Radio May, daily (12.30-13.45); “Talk of the island” bilingual program on Radio May broadcasted every Saturday 10.00-11.45 (with journalist Kyriakos Pierides), as well as Producer and Presenter of “Cypriots, lets talk
” bilingual radio show on ASTRA Greek Cypriot radio broadcasted every Tuesday 18.00-19.00 (with Journalist Neofidos Neofidu). He is member of Cyprus Turkish Journalist Union (KTGB), Cyprus Turkish Media Workers Trade Union (Basın Sen),AEJ (Association of European Journalists - Brussels), as well as member of SEEMO (South East Europe Media Organisation, Vienna). Mr. Kahvecioğlu has been awarded with “Prize For Journalism” in September 2003 from European Journalism Centre.

Mete Oguz
has been a history teacher in a state high school in Nicosia in North Cyprus. He was the Secretary General in the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR), which organises activities based on multiperspectivity and new history teaching methods across the divided. He participated in a course and seminar about ‘new history textbook writing around Europe’ in Georg Eckert Institute in Braunschwick, Germany in 2005. In the same year, he was involved in a series of workshops on ‘preventing bullying and peace education in schools’ in Colombus, Ohio, USA on behalf of AHDR. He was also in the author comission responsible for writing new Cyprus history textbooks for secondary and upper-secondary schools in North Cyprus in 2004-2006. Mete Oguz was involved as an author in Nicosia Calling Project supported by UNDP. He organised, actively participated and gave workshops on history teaching in Cyprus and many other countries in collaboration with the Council of Europe.

Nico Peristianis
studied Sociology with Economics at the University of Kent, UK. Subsequently, he earned the Master’s degree (M.Ed.) in Education of Trenton State University, USA and a Doctorate in Sociology from Middlesex University, UK. Professionally, he is one of the founders of Intercollege (1980) and more recently of the University of Nicosia (2007) – of which he is the President. He has carried out research and has published on several social topics including education, the family, youth and Cypriot nationalism. He is also the managing editor of The Cyprus Review and, until recently, President of the Cyprus Sociological Association.

Dr Nayia Roussou [presentation]
is a Professor and Chair of the Communications Department, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, since 1995 . She holds a BA and an MA in Communication from Indiana University, Bloomington, USA and a PhD from Coventry University, UK. From 1956-1995 she worked in different capacities with the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, her last position (1988-1995) being that of Head of Public and International Relations. In her capacity as Senior Programmes Producer she researched, scripted and directed over 25 television documentaries about the cultural life in Cyprus, while in her capacity as Head of International and Public Relations she represented the CyBC in many international media conferences and forums. She has been teaching media in private colleges since 1977. She also taught Public Relations and Media in Cyprus the Higher Technological Institute and the Cyprus Police Academy, as well as in many private institutions. Her media research and publications in journals and books, include subjects on television and youth, culture, language and identity, gender representation on television and television and violence, as well as internet issues – journalism online, use of the internet in academia and the internet and young people’s sociability. She was an active member of European action COST-A 20 on “The Impact of the Internet on the Media” for six years – 2000-2006. She has 15 book publications on literature and the mass media (some subsidized by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture). Her poetry is translated into different languages and is included in Finnish, Spanish and Bulgarian anthologies. Nayia Roussou is also a well known figure in the area of poetry and literature in Cyprus, having received the State Prize for Literature in 1985. Since 1986 she is Vice President of the Cyprus PEN Center and there are biographical entries about her in the Cambridge International Biographical Centre Encyclopaedia of “Who is Who among Women” and the “International Encyclopaedia of Poets and Poetry”. She has been honoured for her contribution to literature, media and culture in both Cyprus and Greece by different organizations.


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